We met Chris and Samantha at the Fisheads San Juan River Fly Shop in Navajo Dam, NM, on a cool morning. Chris would be our guide for the day, and Sammie, his sidekick, was a beautiful and well-mannered Golden Retriever. We were setting out to fish the “quality” water section of the San Juan.
When we put in at the boat dock, we were joined by a few other drift boats and a couple of fishermen already having waded out into the river. Chris had tied on a couple of streamers that were actually setup to be fished like you fish a jig… long strips followed by pulling enough to keep the line straight and tight. This was necessary so we’d feel the strike of the fish and then….. strip set!
We missed several fish because we were still in our normal raise the rod tip mindset. Eventually, we got the hang of it and started getting into some fish. We had a great day on the water with Chris and Samantha and know you’ll enjoy this “Guide Talk” video interview with Chris, highlighting how to fish the San Juan and cutting in some great shots of fish and Samantha. Enjoy!